A Beautiful Mess


Seniman Ruang


Experience & Tech



A visual storytelling site for exhibition celebrating the beauty and turmoil of motherhood.


Scope of Work

  • Art Direction
  • UX Research
  • Web Design
  • Web Development

“A Beautiful Mess” is a celebration of the complexities of motherhood — a harmony
of beauty and turmoil.

We were entrusted with the task of creating a website that could effectively translate this emotional experience into digital platform.

Created by the talented team at Seniman Ruang, this art installation art piece is a powerful and emotional journey through the ups and downs of a mother’s love.


Our challenge was to create a visually stunning website that portrays the depth and complexity of motherhood.

We had to carefully balance the use of colors, typography, and sound to create an immersive experience that would do justice to the installation art piece.

Our Solution

To portray the message of “A Beautiful Mess”,
we choose powerful imagery and typography
to create, clean modern, and mysterious website.

We heavily studied colors and chose a grayscale color scheme to create an elegant yet classic website The meanings of black and white were used to convey the complex emotions and feelings of motherhood.
We also incorporated motions and effects aligned with the concept to create
a graphic element list that added a nice touch to the website.